25 Terms in 48Family

Explanation of 25 terms in 48Family
1.      THEATER : Place for exercise, playing, met with fans, performance and event
2.      SWAG : Abbreviation of “Stuff We All Get”. Official merchandise that submitted by WOTA. E.g : CD, DVD, Trading Card, Photo, Poster, etc
3.      GRADUATE : Member that have been out from 48Family
4.      MEMBER GENERATION : A group of member that sort by when they join 48Family
5.      JIKOUSHOKAI : Introductions every member
6.      RE-SUFFLE : Member that transferred from 48Family group to another 48Family group
7.      WOTA/OTAKU : Fans that diligent to remembered every member of  their 48Family favourite group, and active on activity to buy SWAG and polite course
8.      WOTAGEI : Fans cheer and typical movement IG
9.      CHANT/MIX : Typical shape cheers IG in special sections on every song
10.  SHENSUURAKU : Expiration one setlist
11.  OSHIMEN : (oishiteru member) Sometime called oshi, member that we support (favourite member)
12.  OSHIHEN : Condition where fans change oshi from one member to another member
13.  MD : Abbreviation of “Minna no Daisuki” (like all member/have more than one oshi)
14.  DD : Abbreviaton of “Daredemo Daisui” (like 48Fam group overall)
15.  SENBATSU : Member that chosen to join on PV/video clip  (about 12-20 member)
16.  SENBATSU SOUSENKYOU : Auditions for member to chosen through vote from FansJKT48
17.  GOLDEN RULES : A number of rules that must be adhered to by the members of 48Family
18.  STAGE SONG : Song that contains in every team stage
19.  UNIT SUFFLE : Unit song that identic with the composition of certain members and the formation changed for the next element
20.  KENKYUUSEI : Reserve team
21.  OVERTURE : Opening rhythm every 48Family performance
22.  ZOMBIE : Fans that don’t know shy because of chase member and ask for photo/selfie or signatures, etc.
23.  WL : Waiting List or buy ticket alternately
24.  HANDSHAKE EVENT : Bring together member with fans to talk and handshake for 10 seconds

25.  FANSERVICE : Services for fans. Fans were lucky to get a second sho (selfie with one member), 3 shots, be the theater manager for one day and nge-date with oshi,etc.


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